The Future of Gimbal Thumb Controllers

Complete Solo Control

Satellite gives you unprecedented control over your Freefly MoVI, MoVI Pro or DJI Ronin gimbals. As a solo operator, all the controls you want are right at your fingertip. Master your gimbal’s movements, tune your settings, and start and stop your camera’s record function. Nowhere will you find a more complete feature set than the Satellite.

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Access All of Your Gimbal's Features

Pan/Tilt/Roll as well as diagonal moves and proportional movement. Satellite recognizes gimbal settings for fine adjustments.

Click here to see full feature list

Change Gimbal Speed and Mode

Switch between your gimbal's different function modes. LED indicators instantly let you know if you are in Majestic / Free Track or full operator control. Satellite also lets you select the motor kill function on most gimbals.

Full Gimbal Control

Invert/rotate axis. All features available in 2 clicks or less. With Satellite you can control or access most of your gimbal's features or controls.


Satellite's size allows it to be used in any configuration or location on your gimbal. Briefcase mode. Upside down mode. No battery required.


Camera Control and More

Satellite is the only gimbal joystick controller with built-in support for camera record start and stop. The built-in tally light gives you visual confirmation for confidence knowing when the camera is rolling. Check out the available cables for your camera, with more being added.

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Satellite Run/Stop Compatibility

Satellite can control cameras that support LANC using a 2.5mm connector. Currently only run/stop is supported but other LANC features will be added soon.
See Cables

With add-on cable(s) Satellite can activate Run/Stop on most Arri camera packages.
See Cables

Adding our Sony Mult-port control cable to satellite will add Run/Stop capibility to any Sony camera that supports the Multi-Port protocol including A7S and the FS series of cameras.
See Cables

Add RED Run/Stop support to Satellite.
Run/Stop Direct Cable
Run/Stop Breakout Cable

With add-on cable(s) Satellite can activate Run/Stop on most Canon Cameras.
2.5mm (LANC) Cable
DSLR Cable

Satellite can control cameras that support LANC using a 2.5mm connector. Currently only run/stop is supported but other LANC features will be added soon.
See Cables


Flexibility to Mount Anywhere

Satellite’s compact size, universal mount, and setup controls let you mount it wherever you want. You can mount it on your left or right handgrip (rear facing for thumb control, but also front facing for finger control), on the crossbar, inverted, or even as a remote pan/tilt control when mounting your gimbal to a jib arm or crane.

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Mounts to Anything

Satellite's universal mounting strap allows you to mount it anywhere on your rig. Safely and securely.

Made to Move

The configuration options allow you to instantly reconfigure up-down-left-right to keep intuitive operation.

Move from Gimbal to Jib and Back Again

Satellite will mount to jib handles so you can control jib mounted gimbals.


Ronin and MoVI Compatible

Satellite gives you unprecedented control over your Freefly MoVI, MoVI Pro or DJI Ronin gimbals.

EclipseNet - The Future

As a member of our Eclipse line of products, Satellite includes future-ready firmware. All of our Eclipse products connect to each other and speak the same protocol, so as we release new Eclipse gear, Satellite will be ready to connect and communicate.

Click here to see the future.

Satellite – Gimbal Control


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